How to Prepare for On-Campus Interviews

How to Prepare for On-Campus Interviews in Law School

Success during this important season requires students to thoroughly prepare for law school on-campus interviews (“OCI”). Too often law students erroneously assume that their grades will get them the Big Law job. Truthfully, strong grades will probably get you in the interview door, but grades alone will not get you a summer associate offer. Law […]

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Blog banner depicting drinks at a restaurant, with a black background and white letters that read: Cocktails During Law Firm Callback Interviews?

Cocktails During Law Firm Callback Interviews?

Is it okay to drink during law firm callback interviews? Once students pass their first round of on-campus interviews (“OCI”), they anxiously await to hear whether they will receive a second interview or–as it is generally called in the industry–a callback interview. Callback interviews typically entail visiting the firm and interviewing with a number of

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